Wednesday, March 28
> Itchy fingers!
I've been sitting in front of my desktop doing nothing but trying to get the drama to load on crunchyroll since 10pm. I gave up an hour ago and watched tv which ive just watched at 9pm. Im actually pretty tired but yet i refused to go to bed. What is wrong with me?!
So while trying to find stuffs to do online, i realised that my newly painted nails got chipped. I paid like $39 for it and it chipped just in a few days!! (To digress a little, the other day i felt like a taitai, went for manicure and facial and got home sulking cos it was a huge damage done when i havent even gotten a job yet!)
Since i had nothing better to do, my itchy fingers started scrapping off the remainings. I was too lazy to walk over to my bedroom to get the cotton pad and nail varnish.
Serve me right for having itchy fingers, they now look like this

and i totally give up scrapping the remainings off. Haa!
And yah, i have really ugly fingers. That's because yours truly, *ahem is such a filial girl, does alot of housework. My hands look like the hands of those in their late 30s or 40s, when im only 20!!
I am so upset. You should have seen my legs. The skin's so dry is looks like crocodile skin. Im not kidding!
Im watching Extreme Makeover right now, and i feel so tempted to go for plastic surgery. Haa!
sealed-with-a-kiss < 2:58:00 am
Tuesday, March 27
sealed-with-a-kiss < 3:20:00 pm
Sunday, March 25
> Huat's 21st
So on the 20th of March, we celebrated Huat's 21st birthday at Aranda. Before that, i went over to Shalyn's place early noon with lunch for the family before meeting Jeffrey at Tampines Mall where i had a sudden crave for Xiao Long Bao.

Not as fab as what i expected actually. And Jeffrey, having eaten it for the first time, didnt really appreciate it. HE DIDNT DIP THEM IN THE VINEGAR, which so happens to be the tastiest sauce!
Oh well, so the both of us headed down to the chalets at Pasir Ris. I made my way to Aranda, while he made his way to Aloha.
Huat's birthday can never be missed. Stayed over for a night playing mahjong and won a little. Wanted to stay for two but i had an interview on Thursday so i left with Ling on Wednesday night after catching The Dance Floor.
Pictures here!

Huat, the birthday dude

The BSCs

With Jeremy

Ginna, Huat's girlfriend


Yuping on your left and Eleanor on your right





The girls
There's a very classic picture of me in Yuping's camera, wait till i get it. Haa!
Gonna prepare and head down to Derrick's. More birthday updates soon!
sealed-with-a-kiss < 5:21:00 pm
Saturday, March 24
> Emo shites.
I'm feeling like shit right now and i cant get to sleep. Its probably nearing the time of the month and all the emo thoughts are overwhelming.
So many issues up my head and i dont know who i can talk to. There used to be a friend i could really confide in, who will always make me feel better and make me laugh, but not anymore, and that's making me even more upset.
Problems with friends, problems with deciding my next path, problems with family, problems with health, problems with finance, problems with problems. Will there ever be an end?
No doubt im upset, upset that im not invited to their outings and celebration. For whatever reasons, i dont really wish to know. Cos i know, the truth always hurt.
But of cos, there's always others out there who will stand by me, no matter what, no matter where. But the question is, how significant are they to me compared to the others?
I know im not very good at socialising, and i really do not like to talk a lot. May be a little arrogant at times, but i really dont mean anything bad. Its just me, my character, my style. I hate people beating around the bush, i hate superficials, i hate people who are fickle minded and cannot decide. Therefore, im not like one and i really dislike talking to people like that, but i dont dislike them.
Oh gosh, i dont even know what im saying anymore.
I really need a getaway. Cant wait for next Saturday where i'll be feeling the breeze over at Perhentian Island with Kevin and friends. Need a serene place to really think about stuffs and do a little reflections.
More happy days in time to come, i hope. Updates on Huat's 21st birthday chalet up soon. Tomorrow would be Kevin's 21st birthday party and Sunday would be Derrick's 23rd. More on that some time next week.
For now, i need a breather and a good listening ear.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 4:32:00 am
Saturday, March 17
> Uber long one!
Life being a bummer had been terrific thus far. I'll watch korean dramas on youtube or
crunchyroll till dawn and wake up during the late noon and start the whole cycle all over again.
I spent my entire last weekend with Tyrell. We wanted to get down to the IT fair on Saturday evening but we decided not to so we ended up having dinner at Balestier and dvds later over at his place.
Then came Sunday where i waited for him at Sin Ming Sec after his soccer game and headed down to the IT fair. The heavy traffic and exiting at the wrong exit, turning at the wrong junction and hence ended up 30mins before closing. I was panicking like crazy!
My latest possession..

Sony Cybershot T50, touchscreen with 7.2mp and 3inch LCD screen, i love!
Then we caught Primeval over at Cine after dinner. The movie suck quite a bit. Anacondas beats it two hands down. 2 outta 5! Please dont catch it, really.
Then came Wednesday where Celine came over for a little tan before i met Jeffrey for 300. 300 isnt like so fantastic but was still good. 3.5 stars! It was also the day i got back my results. Didnt really meet my expectations but still satisfactory. SMU called on the same day too, to notify me that im shortlisted for their interview. Freaking happy news i would say, but damn nervous about it!
Met Shalyn for some job training at Chinatown on Thursday.

Us on the train

and in the training room

Had dinner at Sakae cos i was craving for it

Our Gyu don

Shalyn's fried tofu

and my cannotbemissed Sakae Salad, the dope thing! If u havent tried it before, you gotta try it now!

Met Leo before heading down to Cine for Blood and Chocolate where Bape came to join us. 3 stars for that! Sent Shalyn home aftermath before we have supper at 802, reminiscing the place.

Then we went prawning! My virgin trip there and i caught the most prawns!

My very first prawn caught! Large isnt it?

We were supposed to leave at 4.30 but the boss was so kind, he not only gave us an extra rod to prawn, he even let us play till whatever time we wish. FOC!
So we prawned till 6am and i really need to get back home because i have school at 9.30am the next day! Oh my gawd.
Came Friday where i went back to school for the celebration of learning. Received my SIP cert, Pass with Commendation! Chat a little with Mr Chan, the best lecturer ever!

Met Eunice for Pepperlunch in the evening. Was craving for it too!

Then came Chewlian and we chatted till midnight before heading home.
Am supposed to hit Sentosa today with the usuals, but im having flu and its making me sick.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 5:27:00 pm
Saturday, March 10
> insomnia never ends!
And so its another sleepless night for this bummer over here.
Life sucks when i'm schooless, sucks even more when im jobless and even even more when im taiwanless! argh!!!
My attachment company wanted me back and hope i could start work immediately. But the Perhentian trip at the end of the month is already confirmed so she said i could take a few days off. But we're preparing for the Taiwan trip so i could only start work on the second week of April, which she apparently cant wait so long for me to fill up the post.
So, she said she'll get back to me today. Only till yesterday did i know that the Taiwan trip had to be cancelled due to various reasons and bad news do come one after another. She had found another candidate who is able to fill up the position immediately. There goes my holiday job, and my taiwan trip. Life sucks doesnt it?
So today while having dinner with da family (more on this in a bit), my ex-colleague called and asked me what happened like why wasnt it me who filled up the post. So yadayada and she say she'll look out for any job vacancies for me. How nice!
Dinner today was yummieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelicious! My cousin-in-law made a windfall and treated my family + their family for a major crab feast! The best i've ever had. We had a total of 6 crabs. Pepper crab, chilli crab, butter-milk crab, beehoon crab (THE UBER SHIOK ONE!), cereal prawns, fried chicken rojak, fried tou fu, man tou(s), scallop with yam and a dish of vegetables with mushrooms. That's 10 course dinner for you, my loves. YUM YUM!
So the place was at this coffeeshop at AMK, but hey, the dinner cost like $350 for 9 people okay! Worthed it though.
I was at Heartland mall earlier on with Celine where i did my virgin pedicure. Haa! And i didnt really know the way to AMK so after asking a couple of friends, i finally called Reece at the last minute and he so happened to go over to AMK. Which means i got a free ride! Thanks dudeEeeeeeeeee
So since im not going to Taiwan already, i shall spent the money that i won to get a digicam from the IT fair tomorrow, with Zero. No i mean , Tyrell. =X Havent seen him for soooo supperrrr duuupppeerrr lonnggggg leeehhhh!!!!
And boy, i so cant get to sleep these days and its pissing me off.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 3:26:00 am
Sunday, March 4
> Suming up this festive season
And so, today marks the end of the festive season. Havent really had the time to update about this Lunar New Year, so here goes..
LNY Eve was very special this year because throughout 20 years of my life, ive been having reunion dinner with my own family only. It used to have 7 people, including my grandma and uncle but grandma left and uncle no longer join us for reunion dinner for whatever reasons, so it was 5 people yearly, which was uber boring.
This year, we went over to Auntie Rose's place together with 2 more families and had steamboat. I like!!

Food, food and more food!
And of course not forgetting,

The abalones, which didnt really taste that fantastic this year. I think the quality dropped. Either so or it had been overrated.

Caught Protege with my siblings and cousins and cousin-in-law. Wasnt THAT fantastic like what the others said because the movie was pretty rush i thought. But with Andy Lau in it, it deserves 3.5 stars. It was pretty cool that they actually filmed down the process of how those drugs were made and packed.
Then came the first big day of LNY. Slept till late noon before going over to Granny's place.

Mommy dearest and i

and the sisters
Did the usual visitings and yada yada before going over to Zhenjie's with da gang. Miss the BSC peeps loads!! I lost $40 at the mahjong table that night for they were playing 5-10. Damn scary!! Wilson sent me home on his bike later that night. So long since i sat on a bike!
Woke up freaking early the second day and went over to my first and second aunts' place for more visiting. Sat around, chat a little, laugh a little and left for home where by relatives came over. I went over to Marcel's after that and gotten my first Triple 7 and 7 dui zi. Won back just enough to cover for the total losses made the day before and the day itself. So it was a breakeven

The sisters got a little spastic due to insufficient sleep!
LNY 3rd day was at our own time own target. Was contemplating between meeting Jeffrey to do our revisions, going over to Jingyang's at CHUA CHU KANG or over to Huat's at Sengkang. I finally decided to go over to Huat after meeting Hk and Wenfu to chill for awhile before Wenfu send me there.
Shared a leg over at the mahjong table with Ling and won $20 each. Had dinner at Compass Point where i saw darling Eunice then i left to meet Wenfu after that.
And i started revising for my exams the next few days until Thursday where we ended our Tertiary life and won $130 at Denise's. Then came Friday where Jeffrey and i went over to Johor for shopping and movies, not forgetting the must not be missed cakes at Secret Recipe's!

Act shy only he

Our loots! I spent about SGD60 there which was quite a steal taking into account the number of stuffs i ate and the things i bought.
So yesterday, went over to Wayne's house with the BBC for visiting and *gasp i won $300+ at the gambling table. It was so..omg!

Very happy me!
So i received $427 worth of red packets and won close to $500 kudos to blackjack. Yayness! Now my Perhentian Island trip fares are taken care off, and part of my air ticket to Taiwan. Maybe i should be a full time gambler so i dont have to go to work. Haa!
Ive never been so lucky with gambling and i always lose quite a bit. There's this chinese saying which i guess its true. They say "Qing chang shi yi, Du chang de yi", in simpler words, its along the line of "when you're on the downside of love, you reap at the gambling table."
Pretty true isnt it? ;)
Mahjong tonight with Long, Cai and Alvin Neo!
sealed-with-a-kiss < 4:39:00 pm